Independent’s takes our commitment to wide format printing – and our customers who require it – seriously. To continue to provide the highest-quality, high-resolution graphics we’ve invested in two new wide format printers – an EFI Vutek 3r+ and an EFI Vutek 5r+.
Vutek 3r+ and 5r+ Features:
- White Ink Printing
- 7 Picoliter Printheads with High-Definition Image Quality – up to 1200 dpi
- 3M ™ SuperRange XF Inks
- Rigid Substrates – up to .43″ thick
- Inline Slitting & Trimming
- Versatility
- Rigid Media & Thin Sheets
- Building Wraps
- Billboards
- Day/Night Backlits
- Fine Art
- Floor Graphics
- Indoor Hanging Banners
- Indoor Murals
- Point-of-Purchase Graphics
- Signage
- Tradeshow Graphics
- Wallpaper
- Window Clings/Graphics